Friday 24 May 2013

what a time it was

Is it really over two years ago
that I wrote to you from Nerja?
I looked back at the photos today,
amazed to find that time had passed so quickly.

The first year students I accompanied
have become good friends now
who drop by my office to tell me their news.

They will be sitting their last exam today,
celebrating, sleeping, going to job interviews
and then packing up to leave.

It will be hard to let them go.
Very hard.

“No matter how much time passes,
no matter what takes place in the interim,
there are some things we can never assign to oblivion,
memories we can never rub away.” 

Haruki Murakami
Kafka on the Shore

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Confessions of a Proof Reader

The exam author had intended to ask students to discuss

"the purification and privatisation
of public space
through urban regeneration".

Unfortunately, the exam paper was missing a crucial l.

I'm feeling frail.